이커머스 매출 상승을 위한
단 하나의 AI 솔루션

이커머스 매출 상승을 위한
단 하나의 AI 솔루션

이커머스 매출 상승을 위한
단 하나의 AI 솔루션

블럭스와 함께 고객 여정을 초개인화하세요

블럭스와 함께 고객 여정을 초개인화하세요

Let's start

블럭스는 인앱 고객 여정
초개인화를 위한 솔루션을 제공합니다.

블럭스는 인앱 고객 여정
초개인화를 위한 솔루션을 제공합니다.

블럭스는 인앱 고객 여정
초개인화를 위한 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Blux CRM

Blux CRM

Blux CRM

Blux CRM

All-in-one Messaging platform: App push, WhatsApp, FB Message, LINE, Kakao, SMS, E-mail

Guarantee to provide all channels at the Lowest sending cost

Enable sending various messaging channels

Single platform for sending App push, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, LINE, Kakao, SMS, E-mail

Enable sending various messaging channels

Campaign Orchestration

In-depth analysis

Enable sending various messaging channels

Campaign Orchestration

In-depth analysis

Guarantee to provide all channels at the Lowest sending cost

Enable sending various messaging channels

Single platform for sending App push, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, LINE, Kakao, SMS, E-mail

Enable sending various messaging channels

Campaign Orchestration

In-depth analysis

Guarantee to provide all channels at the Lowest sending cost

Enable sending various messaging channels

Single platform for sending App push, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, LINE, Kakao, SMS, E-mail

Enable sending various messaging channels

Campaign Orchestration

In-depth analysis

Guarantee to provide all channels at the Lowest sending cost

Enable sending various messaging channels

Single platform for sending App push, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, LINE, Kakao, SMS, E-mail

Single platform for sending App push, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, LINE, Kakao, SMS, E-mail

Enable sending various messaging channels

Guarantee to provide all channels at the Lowest sending cost

Experience orchestrated campaigns in paid channel messaging

Campaign Orchestration

Blux AI sends personalized notifications by considering the user journey and purchasing cycle

In-depth measurement: Sent, Open, Click, Purchase, etc. - all types of conversion events can be measured

In-depth analysis

Elevate campaigns based on data

Blux CRM

Blux CRM

Blux CRM

Blux CRM

All-in-one Messaging platform: App push, WhatsApp, FB Message, LINE, Kakao, SMS, E-mail

AI models tailored to the goals of each page, such as the homepage, shopping cart, and category pages, can be inserted

Customized algorithms

Customized algorithms

Simple & Easy Integration

In-depth analysis

AI models tailored to the goals of each page, such as the homepage, shopping cart, and category pages, can be inserted

Customized algorithms

Customized algorithms

Simple & Easy Integration

In-depth analysis

Customized algorithms

Simple & Easy Integration

In-depth analysis

AI models tailored to the goals of each page, such as the homepage, shopping cart, and category pages, can be inserted

Customized algorithms

Customized algorithms

Simple & Easy Integration

In-depth analysis

AI models tailored to the goals of each page, such as the homepage, shopping cart, and category pages, can be inserted

Customized algorithms

Home screen, Cart, Category page

AI models meet the goals of each page.

Customized algorithms

Only takes 1 week for Integration

Simple & Easy Integration

Implementing AI Engine by

Before/After comparison & Precise tracking of CTR, CVR

Easy diagnosis and Improvement of the current situation.

In-depth analysis

Unlike most of AI companies, Blux develops AI model & Product by User-driven approach

Why Blux?


We offer Proprietery & Optimized AI model for every customer

We offer Proprietery & Optimized AI model for every customer


Blux's AI models are built based on the latest research findings and customer use cases

Blux's AI models are built based on the latest research findings and customer use cases

Proven Performances




We offer various ways for Integration: SDK, Web Script, 3rd-party Integration, etc.

We offer various ways for Integration: SDK, Web Script, 3rd-party Integration, etc.


We only require 1 week for Integration

We only require 1 week for Integration


Simple & Easy Implementation

Don't hesitate

Don't hesitate

Free trial period enables reasonable urchasing decisions

Free trial period enables reasonable urchasing decisions

Talk to Sales

"In the process of selecting a business partner, the important criteria that I considered was whether the company is 'Customer Friendly'.

In the case of other companies, they only provide APIs or do not conduct A/B Tests, and there are cases where they are not friendly to the customers, but with Blux, I received the impression that they place a great emphasis on partnership with customers and decided to collaborate"

"In the process of selecting a business partner, the important criteria that I considered was whether the company is 'Customer Friendly'.

In the case of other companies, they only provide APIs or do not conduct A/B Tests, and there are cases where they are not friendly to the customers, but with Blux, I received the impression that they place a great emphasis on partnership with customers and decided to collaborate"

"Working with Blux was not only an improvement in quantitative metrics but also in terms of communication.

Even when there were times when we missed or were unprepared during the collaboration process,

Blux team kept high energy level and made a meaningful results."

"Working with Blux was not only an improvement in quantitative metrics but also in terms of communication.

Even when there were times when we missed or were unprepared during the collaboration process,

Blux team kept high energy level and made a meaningful results."

Liquor commerce platform, Dailyshot

Sales Increase: KRW 8 million

“협업사를 선택하는 과정에서 중요하게 생각했던 기준이 "고객 friendly한 회사인가"였습니다.

다른 업체에서는 API만 제공하거나 A/B Test를 진행하지 않는 등

고객에게 친화적이지 않은 경우도 있었는데, Blux의 경우 고객과의 파트너십을

굉장히 중요시한다는 인상을 받아 협업을 결정하게 되었습니다.”

“Blux와의 협업은 정량적인 지표의 개선 뿐만 아니라 소통의 측면에서도 차별점이 있었습니다.

협업 과정에서 저희 측에서 놓치거나 준비가 부족한 적이 있을 때에도

Blux에서 꼼꼼하게 잘 챙겨주셔서 좋았습니다.”

주류 커머스 플랫폼, 데일리샷

매출 증가액 8천만원

"The factors that made us decide to continue working with Blux were the 'Quick Collaboration pace,' 'Level of Customization,' and 'Unrivaled Performance.' We were also impressed by the continuous refinement of their AI models through ongoing R&D, without settling for the specs they already have."

Contribution of AI recommendation: 250%

Female fashion platform, Brandi

“빠른 협업 속도’, ‘커스터마이징 정도’, ‘지표의 확실한 향상’이 블럭스와

계속 함께해야겠다고 결정한 큰 이유들이었던 것 같고요.
또한 보유하고 있는 AI 모델 스펙에 안주하지 않고
지속적인 R&D를 통해 모델이 거의 실시간으로 고도화되는 것에 큰 감명을 받았습니다.”

Blux is proven by Unrivaled Performances

Customers Success Cases

"In the process of selecting a business partner, the important criteria that I considered was whether the company is 'Customer Friendly'.

In the case of other companies, they only provide APIs or do not conduct A/B Tests, and there are cases where they are not friendly to the customers, but with Blux, I received the impression that they place a great emphasis on partnership with customers and decided to collaborate"

"Working with Blux was not only an improvement in quantitative metrics but also in terms of communication.

Even when there were times when we missed or were unprepared during the collaboration process,

Blux team kept high energy level and made a meaningful results."

Liquor commerce platform, Dailyshot

Sales Increase: KRW 8 million

“협업사를 선택하는 과정에서 중요하게 생각했던 기준이 "고객 friendly한 회사인가"였습니다.

다른 업체에서는 API만 제공하거나 A/B Test를 진행하지 않는 등

고객에게 친화적이지 않은 경우도 있었는데, Blux의 경우 고객과의 파트너십을

굉장히 중요시한다는 인상을 받아 협업을 결정하게 되었습니다.”

“Blux와의 협업은 정량적인 지표의 개선 뿐만 아니라 소통의 측면에서도 차별점이 있었습니다.

협업 과정에서 저희 측에서 놓치거나 준비가 부족한 적이 있을 때에도

Blux에서 꼼꼼하게 잘 챙겨주셔서 좋았습니다.”

주류 커머스 플랫폼, 데일리샷

매출 증가액 8천만원

"The factors that made us decide to continue working with Blux were the 'Quick Collaboration pace,' 'Level of Customization,' and 'Unrivaled Performance.' We were also impressed by the continuous refinement of their AI models through ongoing R&D, without settling for the specs they already have."

Contribution of AI recommendation: 250%

Female fashion platform, Brandi

“빠른 협업 속도’, ‘커스터마이징 정도’, ‘지표의 확실한 향상’이 블럭스와

계속 함께해야겠다고 결정한 큰 이유들이었던 것 같고요.
또한 보유하고 있는 AI 모델 스펙에 안주하지 않고
지속적인 R&D를 통해 모델이 거의 실시간으로 고도화되는 것에 큰 감명을 받았습니다.”

Blux is proven by Unrivaled Performances

Customers Success Cases

Blux take over Cumbersome process

Blux offers distinctive Implementation process

Proprietary Integration Admin & Dedicated Engineer Support

Proprietary Integration Admin & Dedicated Engineer Support

Proprietary Integration Admin & Dedicated Engineer Support

Only takes 1 week for Integration
Only takes 1 week for Integration
Only takes 1 week for Integration

Before payment: 1-month Free Trial

Before payment: 1-month Free Trial

Before payment: 1-month Free Trial

You can choose to pay by performances during the Free Trial period
You can choose to pay by performances during the Free Trial period
You can choose to pay by performances during the Free Trial period

Regular updates of AI algorithm

Regular updates of AI algorithm

Regular updates of AI algorithm

Continuous monitoring & updates to AI models
Continuous monitoring & updates to AI models
Continuous monitoring & updates to AI models

Blux take over Cumbersome process

Blux offers distinctive Implementation process

Proprietary Integration Admin & Dedicated Engineer Support

Only takes 1 week for Integration

Before payment: 1-month Free Trial

You can choose to pay by performances during the Free Trial period

Regular updates of AI algorithm

Continuous monitoring & updates to AI models

If you're still uncertain...

If you're still uncertain...

Let's have a talk with Blux team

Let's have a talk with Blux team

Blux team will respond in 1 hour

Blux team will respond in 1 hour

Company name

Company name

Z.Ai Inc

Z.Ai Inc



Joel Lee

Joel Lee



Seoul, Gwanak-gu

Seoul, Gwanak-gu

Business Registration Number

Business Registration Number



Contact E-mail

Contact E-mail



Copyright © 2024 Z.Ai Inc. All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 Z.Ai Inc. All rights reserved